Nolan Byers Partners in Family Law

Child Support

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  There is an interesting concept in the law known as ‘parens patriae’ which means that our judges have an overarching obligation to defend and protect the children subject to their jurisdiction. I visualize that as each judge having her arms around your children. I find that especially comforting when cases require court intervention.  

— Frances Nolan

One primary concern of all divorcing parents is the continuing care and financial support of their children. Under Alabama law, parents have a duty to provide support for their children. When children are born to unmarried parents or married parents that divorce, the law requires that specific financial support arrangements be made in order to provide for the children’s material needs. In most cases, the amount a parent will be ordered to pay will be determined by specific guidelines that were enacted by the Alabama legislature. The formula considers each parent’s gross monthly income and certain expenditures necessary for the children. Courts may deviate from the guidelines under certain circumstances.

Contact us today and see how we can help you and your family in your time of need.

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